Latest Episodes

Restore in Gentleness
August 14, 2024

The enemy is going after the fruit we produce. We must be able to help those around us in gentleness. To not grow weary in doing good and insure we reap a good harvest.

Crumbs From the Master
August 14, 2024

Faith is pivotal in the Kingdom of God. Healing is the children's breed, but even the crumbs from God is enough.

Blessing of God's Presence
August 14, 2024

Being in the will and presence of God had many advantages. We take then for granted sometimes. We should always want to make sure we are right with the Lord, so we can walk in His blessings.

Mystery of Iniquity
August 10, 2024

If you take a look around you can see everything's kind of going crazy. The spirits of old are stirring up all types of evil. It's time to make sure you're right with the Lord for the end is nigh.

Provoke One Another
August 01, 2024

There's a pressing feeling in this world. We must be right with the Lord for we know not when He comes. We have to encourage each other so that we won't grow weary from this world or be distracted by the thing of it.

Called To Be Sacred
July 30, 2024

Believers must know what sacred is.It's up to us to withhold it. We are called to be sacred people to be holy and acceptable before the Lord. People are offended by holiness yet we should still stand for the Lord

Worthy of the Calling
July 27, 2024

The Bible tells us how people will act in the Last Days. You don't have to look very far to see it in this world. Yet we are called to strive for righteousness, to standfast and be worthy of His calling.

The Walking Dead
July 23, 2024

We are called to line up with the Word of God. To be a living sacrifice. To die to this flesh and walk in the Spirit.

Praise Is Essential
July 23, 2024

Praise to the Lord is a very important thing as Christians. David is a good example of this. Through out his life, the good and the bad. Praise to God was key.

The Messiah's Universal Reign
July 23, 2024

The Lord Jesus Christ will rule in truth and justice over all the earth. Give him all the praise, glory and honor He deserves.