Latest Episodes

September 06, 2024

Are you delivered? If not you can be. God gives us so many great blessings. Deliverance from the things we face in this world is one of the best. What ever it is, God is might to save.

Pharoahs Persecute Israel
September 06, 2024

The Pharoahs persecuted the Israelites in the time of Moses. They went to grate lengths to hold down God's people. Yet God still had a plan for His people.

Handling Landmines
August 31, 2024

Handling the heart and the emotions we face can be hard. Not Handling it properly can be dangerous. The issues of the heart we face requires God's guidance, and God's Word to get our hearts in the right place.

Empty &Void
August 31, 2024

We all have felt an emptiness. We all have a void. We all deal with things that need fixing. The only One that can truly fix us is God.

Refuge of God's Presence
August 31, 2024

The presence of God is a place of refuge, strength and deliverance for believers. In His presence peace and hope can be found. He is faithful, if we would just follow and chase after Him.

What Time Is It?
August 23, 2024

The time is drawing near. Look at the world and you can see things are happening to mark the return of the King. Do I know the time? Do you?

Am I Tripen?
August 23, 2024

What trips you up? We must be aware of our faults. Allow the Lord to help us change. Casting down anything that weighs us down so we can run our race.

Importance of Words
August 23, 2024

Words are important. The bring life or death. Our words should be guided by the Holy Spirit.

Human Mortality & God's Eternality
August 23, 2024

Though people are mortal, they can have everlasting life through Jesus Christ.

State of Emergency
August 17, 2024

How does the enemy work? He steals, kills, and destroys. One of the ways he does that is through lies. We must know the truth. Do you know the truth? Do you defend the truth?