RIEGL RiCAST: A Punch Above the Rest – RIEGL’s VQ-1560 II-S Ultra-Dense Aerial LiDAR Sensor

In today’s RiCAST, we are joined by Michael Sitar, Airborne Division Manager for RIEGL USA as he gives us a quick glimpse into how the RIEGL VQ-1560 II-S is the top of the line in RIEGL‘s airborne inventory. Learn how Range Performance & Resolution, Point Distribution, and Target Coverage puts the RIEGL VQ-1560 II-S sensor a “Punch Above the Rest” from other sensor options.
The RIEGL VQ-1560 II-S follows the successful concept of RIEGL’s proven dual channel laser scanner series. Its unique “cross-fire” scan pattern and its wide operational range make the instrument the most versatile airborne laser scanner on the market today.
Listen in now and we hope you enjoy!
About RIEGL:
RIEGL is an international leading provider of cutting-edge technology in airborne, mobile, terrestrial, industrial and unmanned laser scanning solutions for applications in surveying.
RIEGL has been producing LiDAR systems commercially for over 40 years and focuses on pulsed time-of-flight laser radar technology in multiple wavelengths.
RIEGL’s core Smart-Waveform technologies provide pure digital LiDAR signal processing, unique methodologies for resolving range ambiguities, multiple targets per laser shots, optimum distribution of measurements, calibrated amplitudes and reflectance estimates, as well as the seamless integration and calibration of systems.
RIEGL’s Ultimate LiDARTM 3D scanners offer a wide array of performance characteristics and serve as a platform for continuing Innovation in 3D for the LiDAR industry.
From the first inquiry, to purchase and integration of the system, as well as training and support, RIEGL maintains an outstanding history of reliability and support to their customers.
Worldwide sales, training, support and services are delivered from RIEGL’s headquarters in Austria and in the USA; main offices in, Japan, China, Australia, Canada and the UK; and a worldwide network of representatives.