Rewired Radio

Rewired Radio

Latest Episodes

Collective Empowerment
December 11, 2017

What if we could all work together to create empowered communities?We all strive to be empowered in our own lives, but most of the time, empowerment is talked about as a solitary pursuit; something you need to achieve on your own. What if we could all wor

How Food Can Heal Us
December 04, 2017

So many of our conversations about food focus on what we shouldn’t be eating.So many of our conversations about food focus on what we shouldn’t be eating. But, the truth is that our bodies can be nourished and can thrive when we give ourselves the gift of

Cultivating a Fierce Heart
November 27, 2017

it’s when life is at its most challenging that we are getting our mind, body, and spirit ready to take on anything.When things get difficult, we often think about “just getting through” them, and moving on. But, it’s when life is at its most challenging t

The Consciousness Papers
November 20, 2017

Our brains are powerful muscles that can propel us to new heights, but they can also hold us back if we get caught up in what we think we know.Our brains are powerful muscles that can propel us to new heights, but they can also hold us back if we get caug

How the Right Resources Can Save Lives
November 13, 2017

Navigating the complex system of recovery resources can be overwhelming, especially when you don’t have the luxury of time.Navigating the complex system of recovery resources can be overwhelming, especially when you don’t have the luxury of time. Get Your

Recover Strong
November 06, 2017

Recovery is a journey that can often feel difficult and lonely.Recovery is a journey that can often feel difficult and lonely. Without connecting to others in a supportive community, it’s easy to focus on what you’re doing wrong instead of celebrating you

Encore Episode: Transforming Anger & Fear into Productive Energy
October 30, 2017

Anger can profoundly affect your life.When it comes to the feelings food chain, anger is right at the top. It devours our lives, making us lose sight of the fact that anger often stems from feelings of fear and sadness. Organifi. Save 20% NOW! Use code RE

Teaching Our Kids How to Disagree
October 23, 2017

What are we teaching our children if we don’t know how to disagree? There’s no denying that it’s hard to have conversations with people who hold different views from ours. Social media only seems to escalate the tension and isn’t a great forum for meaning

Transformation vs. Rehabilitation
October 16, 2017

In the quest to curb addiction, we often forget that true freedom from addiction means more than just rehabilitation, it means transformation.People who enter rehab for an addition are focused on getting control over destructive behavior. In the quest to

How Can You Measure Recovery Success?
October 09, 2017

It’s time for us to consider that recovery means more than being free of drugs, alcohol, or harmful behaviors.For someone struggling with addiction, recovery is the goal. But, it’s time for us to consider that recovery means more than being free of drugs,