Rewilding Earth Podcast

Rewilding Earth Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 20: Public Lands Grazing with George Wuerthner
March 15, 2019

George Wuerthner is a professional photographer, writer and ecologist. He has written more than two dozen books on natural history and other environmental topics. He is currently the ecological projects director for the Foundation for Deep Ecology.

Episode 19: John Miles On The New Wilderness Bill
March 08, 2019

It’s been a long time since we’ve had a win like the one that is expected to be signed by the President soon. The conservation community is buzzing about the Charles Dingell Jr. Conservation Management and Recreation Act, and rightly so.

Episode 18: Nancy Stranahan Rewilding Southern Ohio
February 16, 2019

Topics: The fantastic biodiversity of southern Ohio Wildlands Philanthropy: protecting key areas by buying them Black bears and high population and industrial centers Bugs, fireflies, and miracles Native American heritage sites: earth works Nancy Stran...

Episode 17: Mark Fisher on Rewilding Drift in Europe
February 07, 2019

A biochemist by training, Mark Fisher has worked in the pharmaceutical industry and in pure science. In a change of direction, he qualified as a Permaculture Designer, and did work in landscape design. Mark launched a manifesto for rewilding Britain in...

Episode 16: Tyler Socash Adirondack Wilderness and Thru-Hiking Adventures
January 25, 2019

Tyler Socash is the Adirondack Mountain Club's Outdoor Skills Coordinator. The day after completing his master's degree at the University of Rochester, Tyler embarked on a 7,000-mile thru-hiking immersion into wilderness.

Episode 15: Nicole Rosmarino on Rewilding The American Serengeti
January 18, 2019

Nicole Rosmarino, Ph.D. helped found the Southern Plains Land Trust (SPLT) in 1998 and has served as its Executive Director since 2011. In her work for SPLT, she is striving to create large shortgrass prairie wildlife refuges that emulate the “American...

Episode 14: A Rewilding Success Story on the Elwha River
January 09, 2019

It's not often, especially these days, that we get to hear about a really big Rewilding  victory. Today is one of those days.

Episode 13: Camilla Fox from Project Coyote
December 28, 2018

Camilla Fox is the founder and executive director of Project Coyote, a national non-profit organization that promotes compassionate conservation and coexistence between people and wildlife through education, science, and advocacy.

Episode 12: Paul Jepson on Rewilding in Europe
December 20, 2018

Paul Jepson is course director of Oxford University‘s Master in Science in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management. He’s also a Senior Research Fellow with the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment.

Episode 11: Vance Russell – Rewilding in North America and Europe
December 14, 2018

Vance Russell is the head of biodiversity at Ecosulis which provides a variety of services including rewilding, wildlands plans, and approaches to landscape-scale conservation. Vance was California Director of Programs for the National Forest Foundatio...