The Retreat Radio Show

The Retreat Radio Show

011 – The Retreat Radio Show – Prayer Life

December 27, 2020

Episode Overview
In this episode, we discuss the importance of developing a regular prayer routine.  We discuss our own experiences and our own routines, and we discuss the challenges and remedies associated with developing the habit of a daily prayer routine.
Call to Action
Make it a habit to start every day with prayer.  Even a simple, short acknowledgment of your dependence on God or an expression of thanksgiving will make a big difference in your day.
Discussion Questions
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If you’ve already developed the habit of prayer, what might you do differently — if anything?  
If you don’t have a daily routine, when will you begin working on that?
When and where will you do your daily prayer?
How long will you spend?
What kinds of things will you do during your prayer time?
What are some things that might challenge you as you begin to develop a daily prayer habit?  What are some things you might do to overcome those challenges?

Show Notes
We had a good discussion on today’s episode, prayer life. We asked the community how their prayer life was, and if they were happy with their current level of prayer. Mike shared that we have to develop a habit to pray. We must be mindful of the opportunities God provides for us to pray. 

We shared some of our prayer practices that we do as possible ideas to help our community. Mike said the very first thing he does every morning when he wakes up is to start the day with prayers. It is helpful to get into a routine for prayer. Mike said that he has a specific spot in his home that he goes to each morning to pray. Jay likes to pray while he is out doing his evening walks. He gains inspiration from listening to either Christian or rock music. Mike shared one of his favorite scriptures - Philippians 4: 4-9.