The Retreat Radio Show

The Retreat Radio Show

Latest Episodes

016 – The Retreat Radio Show – Power Up
April 04, 2021

Struggling with an addiction, a specific behavior or sin, or another challenge in your life that you just cant seem to shake no matter how hard you try? The problem may be that you are trying to c

015 – The Retreat Radio Show – Waiting
March 28, 2021

Scriptures tell us that all things happen in Gods time according to his plan. And, they tell us that waiting builds character. But, that doesnt always sit too well with us impatient human beings

014 – The Retreat Radio Show – Support
March 14, 2021

Life can be very difficult at times. God knows this, and He never intended for us to do life alone. He supports us directly at times, but more often our support comes from Him indirectly through others. In this episode,

013 – The Retreat Radio Show – Grace
January 10, 2021

Whether you accept it or not, you have been the recipient of Gods grace. Grace is the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. Free

012 – The Retreat Radio Show – Living With Challenges
January 03, 2021

Challenges are a part of living. But, we dont have to handle them alone. In this episode, we discuss strategies for living with and living through the inevitable challenges of life.

011 – The Retreat Radio Show – Prayer Life
December 27, 2020

In this episode, we discuss the importance of developing a regular prayer routine. We discuss our own experiences and our own routines, and we discuss the challenges and remedies associated with developing the habit of a daily prayer routine.

010 – The Retreat Radio Show – Service
March 22, 2020

We took the Retreat Radio Show on the road for this episode. We recorded this episode remotely at the retreat center where we were part of a retreat staff for a local parishes men’s retreat. So how fitting to record a show on service while providing se...

009- Retreat Radio – Grieving
March 01, 2020

In this episode, Jay and Mike discuss and explore grief. Grief is an inevitable part of life. Whether it is a sudden situation or something that is known and anticipated, it is nonetheless difficult. Often times,

008 – Retreat Radio – Life’s Purpose
February 16, 2020

There is one thing that has been found to sustain people  through the most dire and difficult conditions and darkest of times in one's life.  That one thing is PURPOSE.   In this episode and the next Jay and Mike discuss and share their thoughts and ta...

007 - Living on Purpose - Part 1
December 29, 2019

Finding Meaning and Purpose in Life