The Retreat Radio Show

The Retreat Radio Show

003 – Retreat Radio – Faith Journey – Part 1

April 26, 2019

Ponder and Share
Where are you in your faith journey right now?  Are you in a fog?  Are you moving or standing still?  What do you think God is calling you to do different -- if anything?

Go to our comment section and share your story. We will share some of these stories on a future episode with our community.
Every show features a discussion of one or two readings.  We discuss how we think God is speaking to us -- what he wants to teach us or lead us.  This show's readings are:

* Matthew 11: 1-6; 28-30
* Psalm 23

Show Recap
The Genesis of Retreat Radio Show
So the first section of today’s episode we shared some background information as to how Mike and Jay met. Yep, you guessed it, they met while on retreat. All the way back in 2003 Jay, Mike, Dave, and Jim were all seated at the same faith sharing table on our retreat weekend. None of us knew each other, or that each of us shared musical talents. God really does have a master plan, doesn’t he!

On this episode, Jay explained how the “Four Amigo’s” had a jam session that first night, provided the music on the next (Taste & See tour) retreat and over ten other retreats since.

Jay shared his love for radio and how he was intrigued by this new digital format called Podcasts. Jay shared his vision of the Retreat Radio show with Mike, who said that he was already doing some podcast work. We both believe that it was a calling from God for us to provide this program to the Retreat Radio faith community.
Faith Journey Discussion
Today’s episode is part 1 on faith journey. Jay shared the analogy of our faith journey to driving on the highway. Jay and Mike talked about how all these cars together at one point in time on the highway, but with different starting points, and different travel times to get to their destination. We all are at different points in our faith journey, be we are all here together looking for help to navigate our way to Christ. Mike said that some cars are in front of us, leading the way. While other cars are behind, following us. So sometimes others are showing us the way, and at times we are guiding others. Sometimes we are broken down on the side of the highway, other times we may be lost, or barely able to drive because we are in a thick fog.

Reading Discussion - Matthew 11: 1-6; 28-30

The first bible reading we shared was from Matthew 11: 1-6; 28-30. This reading goes back to when John the Baptist was in jail and hear about Jesus building a large following. He sent two disciples on a journey to observe and report back. Jesus knew who they were and told them to report back to John that “The blind can see; The lame can walk, and the dead raised up.

Neither Jay or Mike would have wanted to be one of these disciples who had to report this back to John. We both agreed that we might just have hung with Jesus since the person we were following was in jail. Jesus had it going on!!

Reading Discussion - Psalm 23

Mike brought up that this psalm is used a lot at funerals. He thinks people are using this, but really don’t understand the true meaning of this psalm. It is a very powerful and uplifting poem written by King David when he was a young shepherd. David shares how God is walking side by side with him. David tells how God will protect, comfort, and guide him.

We will have to circle back around next season to devote an entire episode on this psalm.
Show Wrap Up
Today’s episode went by too quickly and didn’t allow Jay and Mike time to go further into the topic of our faith journey. So they agreed to break this topic up into two episodes. So if you haven’t listened to episode #3, make sure you do so before you download episode #4.
Closing Prayer
May God bless and keep you,