Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

Latest Episodes

192|How to Personalise Your Health and Wellbeing to Prevent Disease and Extend Your Healthspan with Chronomics Founder Dr Tom Stubbs
January 29, 2020

How can you prevent disease and extend your healthspan? Dr. Tom Stubbs of Chronomics shares how you can achieve this through epigenetics.

191|Connecting Mind, Body and Wellbeing Using Animal Flow with Founder and Creator Mike Fitch
January 22, 2020

What is Animal Flow? How does this type of exercise benefit your health and wellbeing? Movement coach Mike Fitch talks about this exciting and innovative form of exercise.

190|Insights: The Concept of Exercise Snacking
January 18, 2020

How can you snack on exercise? Have you ever done it? Is it effective? In this episode, I share my insights into the idea of exercise snacking and the benefits of tapping into our ancestral movement.

189|Health Re-imagined, Based on Your DNA with Olympian and Genetics Expert Andrew Steele
January 15, 2020

With all the changes that have been happening in the world of genetics, how can we re-imagine our health? Olympian and genetics expert Andrew Steele shares about Circle DNA, and how you can personalise your health, fitness, and wellbeing through DNA testi

188|Insights: Wellbeing at Work
January 11, 2020

Looking at the workforce, what are things that contribute to people's wellbeing? What are the things that make people enjoy their job and feel happy to be at work? Join me as I share my insights on Mercer's 2018 Global Talent Trends Study.

187|What Effect Does Gender Inequality and Toxic Masculinity Have on Wellbeing with Author Suzanne Hemming
January 08, 2020

How do you, as an individual, see your place in the world? In this episode, children's books author Suzanne Hemming shares her thoughts about having a sense of equality, confidence, and self-esteem.

186|Insights: What Is Rest?
January 04, 2020

Why is rest important? As we embark on a new year and a new decade, one of the most important things we need factor in to our goals and plans is the value of rest.

185|New Year's Day Special - Exploring the Benefits of Chinese Martial Arts with Kitty and Joshua From Wushu London
January 01, 2020

What is Chinese martial arts and what benefits do you get from it? Kitty Erickson and Joshua Villar of Wushu London along with my Bodyshot co-founder Antonia share how they got into martial arts and how it has benefitted their health and wellbeing.

184|Insights: The Art of Saying No
December 21, 2019

What is the art of saying no? If you're someone who's still struggling with the word "No", then this is something you could really use.

183|Recovering From Addictive Behaviours With Author and Addiction Specialist Dr Robert Lefever Part 2
December 18, 2019

How do you recover from addiction? In part 2 of my interview with Dr. Robert Lefever, we talk about the different types of addiction, his particular method for recovery, and the 12-step program