Rehab Within Reach Podcast

Rehab Within Reach Podcast

Interview With Jessica Vellela, BAMS, Founder of AYU Academy

November 15, 2022

Cheers to Episode 29! It’s been awhile since we’ve done an interview so today’s episode is a special one. Sara and Shona had the privilege of speaking with Jessica Vellela, BAMS, the founder of AYU Academy. For the listeners who have been here for awhile, you have already heard so much about Jessica and her academy from Sara. If you are new here, welcome! This episode will be a great introduction into Ayurvedic medicine and how we can use food, routines, and awareness to better our health. Questions discussed are:

❤️What is Ayurveda?

❤️How did you get interested in it and what is your personal story with Ayurveda?

❤️How did you get interested in studying it?

❤️What was your studying like?

❤️What are the strengths and weaknesses of Ayurveda?

❤️Who is Ayurveda a good choice for?

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