Rehab Within Reach Podcast

Rehab Within Reach Podcast

Script of Your Life Part 3

September 22, 2022

Happy Episode 24! Sara, Shona, and Chrissy are continuing the conversation regarding the scripts of their lives where they get more in depth with future plans and current happenings. Topics include:

❤️Chrissy's plans❤️Testament to the environment at Therapy Solutions❤️How to figure out your direction❤️Professional versus personal development❤️Using menstrual cycle for dreaming and manifesting❤️Using integration to reduce burn out❤️Importance of cocooning in cycles❤️Disassociation during cocooning/postpartum❤️Life cycles continue... we can always come back to yourself❤️Shona's plans❤️Sara's plans❤️Villages look different now❤️Open To Your Authentic Self Retreat October!

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