Rehab Within Reach Podcast
Your Pelvic Floor and the Holidays
We have reached our 10th episode! We are so excited to continue the podcast and be able to connect with others on a deeper level than just sending emails or writing Instagram posts. This week, Dr. Sara Nelson and Dr. Chrissy Clark use the holidays as a metaphor to discuss the pelvic floor and symptoms associated with dysfunction.
⭐️Know what you have to work with
❤️Anatomy and function of the pelvic floor is like a wrapped present
❤️These muscles are hidden but hold a lot of emotions, functions, and experiences that are highlighted during the holidays (TW: abuse and medical trauma are discussed)
❤️Empowering people to use boundaries both in medicine and personal lives
⭐️Pelvic floor muscles work with others to get the job done
❤️Other muscles surrounding the pelvis help the PFM function optimally
❤️Stronger contraction from other muscles helps the PFM meet that contraction
❤️Importance of max contraction and loading the body appropriately to make a change and support the muscles as a synergistic system
❤️Specific trunk and hip specific muscles that help the PF and pelvis
❤️Diaphragm and pelvic floor have involuntary reactions based on fight or flight which increases during the holidays
❤️Need everyone to work together to reduce injury and improve function
⭐️Pelvic floor muscles get better results when they can relax
❤️Worry leads to tension and fatigue which makes it harder to get things done
❤️Bicep analogy (full contraction/relaxation for optimal function)
❤️Contraction= Active component of squeeze and lift to maintain continence and organ positioning
❤️Relaxation= Active component of lengthening to eliminate urine and stool more effectively and to reduce pain
❤️Relaxation= Maintaining low tone as a baseline to be able to support organs and stabilize pelvis
❤️Gripping versus tone
❤️Extra self-care is important and there may be push back (you know what your soul needs)
❤️Building skills for life-long use
❤️Shout out to The Yoga Community!
❤️Difference between an active/conscious relaxation and bulging of tissues
⭐️Pelvic floor muscles aren’t just about strength but coordination too
❤️Healing is not linear (can have flare ups during the holidays)
❤️Powering through is exhausting then the coordination is lost
❤️Balance is key when demand is increased
❤️Shame cycles reflect in our pelvic floor
❤️Know your boundaries