The Redemptification Podcast

The Redemptification Podcast

Episode 59 – Crafting Celebrations: Emotional Storytelling and Celebratory Events

May 08, 2024
Crafting Celebrations: Emotional Storytelling and Celebratory Events with host John Marsh and special guests Ash Marsh and Shanika Reid

Welcome to “The Redemptification Podcast”, where we explore the stories that bring life to moments of celebration and purpose. I’m your host, John Marsh, and today we’re diving deep into the world of creating unforgettable celebratory events with two special guests, Ash Marsh and Shanika Reid.

In this episode, Ash Marsh shares her philosophy on creating events that are not just aesthetically beautiful but that authentically celebrate the heart of individuals. She believes the magic lies in understanding the client’s vision and emotions, then weaving these into a celebration that truly honors who they are. “We work diligently and faithfully to understand how they feel and make sure that shows up in the space,” she says.

For Shanika Reid, it’s about sharing the love story of a couple and bringing it to life through the details. She explains that the conversations leading up to the big day help to reveal the narrative that deserves to unfold within just one day. “Celebrating people is what I love to do,” she says. “It goes back to making people feel like they belong and are appreciated.”

We also discuss how, as “emotional historians,” Ash and Shanika strive to transform venues into beautiful spaces that allow couples to realize their lifelong dreams. Ash highlights the importance of trusting professionals to handle key aspects of the event and the need to address challenges creatively. “Whenever we’re able to solve problems that are unsolvable, that’s magic,” she emphasizes.

Join us as we uncover the artistry behind creating memorable events, hear insights into navigating the unknowns of wedding planning, and learn the top three things that most brides should be aware of.

Insights & Inspirations

  • Ash Marsh (01:14): I believe the greatest part that we get to have with celebratory events is that we get to see the individual and what their heart really desires to say what matters to them most. A lot of times they come in with a vision of what it looks like, and as we work and spend time with them, it’s really how they feel. And we work really diligently and faithfully on how they feel and how that shows up in the space.
  • Shanika Reid (01:52): I mean, it’s literally sharing somebody’s love story. So there’s so many details and so many conversations you have prior to that one big day that you just get to unfold and you only have one day to do it.
  • John Marsh (02:34): I heard this today, artists, and I think you both are emotional historians, so y’all are taking the history of a husband and a wife and their story and their family and weaving it together in this celebratory day
  • Ash Marsh (06:51): what really is a celebratory event is when someone’s truly celebrated. And I believe that we’ve all been to events where it’s pretty and it’s busy and it’s fussy and it’s all the things and it’s okay, but you leave and you’re like, wow, I don’t have any memory from that.
  • Ash Marsh (10:45): It is beautiful. It is a beautiful old warehouse that we have been meticulously kind to and we love it and it shows up. And so honestly, we are having to sell the trust in us that we can literally help them have the event that they want to have that they dreamed of having their whole life. I don’t know how much I really dreamed about my wedding day, but once you get there, even if you don’t think about it every day, once a woman or a lady gets to that opportunity, you’re so aware of everything you’ve dreamed of.
  • Ash Marsh (15:30): But whenever we’re able to solve problems that are unsolvable, that’s magic. It is like when you go to someone’s home and you actually get to really be who you are and say that you need something or you forgot something and they have it, it makes you feel so different because it’s not fussing over it. And people then again, feel celebrated.
  • Shanika Reid (18:59): It’s the little things that I want you to feel good about because that just builds up who you are. And that just magnifies even more of the goal of the dream of where we want to be in life. And so I think celebrating people in general is just what I love to do. And it kind of goes back to making people feel good, making people feel like they belong and feel love and appreciative and just all those things
  • John Marsh (23:34): Once you trust someone, a lot of stuff falls away.
  • John Marsh (32:57): Tell me the top three things that most brides don’t know if you can, that you wish they’d know.
  • Shanika Reid (33:33): The first, all my thought of was budget. They don’t understand how much things cost.
  • Ash Marsh (35:52): Okay, so one of the things I would say that would be a top three is don’t bring family and friends as your professional lead at your event. It is a great, wonderful heart intended. Want to include everybody. And just because grandma does things at the church, you can put on a 300 person event. No

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