Recovered Podcast

Recovered Podcast

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Step 4 - Recovered 1105
September 29, 2020

Step Four of AA’s Twelve-Step Program of recovery is infamously the “scary” one, probably because it’s a crucial step towards effective and lasting recovery. Since the overall philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous is that alcoholism is just a...

Step 3 - Recovered 1103
September 24, 2020

When we’ve taken steps one and two we have learned and accepted that our lives are unmanageable, we are alcoholics and a power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity. What if we were to surrender the manageability part? We can surrender a...

Step 2 - Recovered 1101
September 15, 2020

The second step is about hope, a Higher Power, and dealing with reality. This step logically follows step one in which we surrendered and gave up. With surrender comes all kinds of unmedicated feelings. We have to face feelings we haven't dealt with...

Step 1 - Recovered 1099
September 08, 2020

The first step in 12 step recovery programs involves more than just admitting that there is a problem. It means breaking through the denial that has kept the person locked in their misery. The individual has to accept that they have been beaten by...

Having Hobbies in Recovery - Recovered 1098
September 01, 2020

Escaping alcoholism is a great start, but it is not enough alone to ensure a satisfying life in recovery. This is because life has to have meaning and purpose in order for it to be enjoyable. Hobbies are more than just a way to fill time. They provide...

Relapse and Coming Back In - Recovered 1097
August 18, 2020

Relapse is not uncommon. Some people find it difficult to overcome their addictive behaviors for the long term. Once clean, the addict can easily fall back into old practices and habits. Recovery requires commitment, discipline and a network of...

Character Defects - Recovered 1096
August 04, 2020

Humans are obviously not perfect; everyone will have their flaws and weaknesses. It is only when these imperfections lead to suffering that there is a real cause for concern. Most people will have many minor character defects, and a few major ones. It...

Being of Service - Recovered 1095
July 29, 2020

One of the famous sayings used by Twelve Step groups is that you have to give it away in order to keep it. What this is referring to is the idea that service in recovery can help the giver as much as the receiver. This giving should not be done in the...

Perfectionism - Recovered 1094
July 22, 2020

Perfectionists hold themselves to rigid standards. If they don’t perform up to these standards, they will often rehash and review, berating themselves for not performing up to par. This often inhibits healthy behaviors resulting in no action because...

Returning to Face to Face Meetings - Recovered 1093
July 14, 2020

We have spent weeks working our program using technology to stay connected. But now, face to face meetings are starting up again. Tonight, we talk about Returning to Face to face Meetings