Recovered Podcast

Recovered Podcast

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Surrender Sick of Being Sick and Love - Recovered 1196
October 05, 2021

Surrendering is not giving up. Instead, it’s about stopping the desire to control things and accepting things for what they are. Feeling sick of being sick can motivate a desire for change. That surre

Big Book Workshop Part 1 - Recovered 1195
October 01, 2021

Scott L. from Nashville, TN and Bob D. from Las Vegas, NV doing a Big Book Workshop Weekend in Altamore Springs, FL - January 21st-23rd 2005

I Already Posses Recovery - Recovered 1194
September 28, 2021

The recovery I can create with my thinking is not real recovery. When I think I know, I have already lost the understanding. When I let go of the need to know how to get and stay sober, I can see the

Being Grateful - Recovered 1192
September 25, 2021

Staying sober can boil down to choices we make. We can spend hours thinking of reasons why we want to drink. Or we can spend the same time listing reasons that drinking is not good for us and abstaini

Dumb Guy Approach to the 12 Steps Part 4 - Recovered 1193
September 24, 2021

Milt L. from Cleveland, OH speaking on "Dumb Guy Approach to the 12 Steps" in San Diego, CA - June 21st 1997

Step 9 - Recovered 1115
November 03, 2020

Making amends may seem like a bitter pill to swallow, but for those serious about recovery, it can be good medicine for the spirit and the soul. Step 9 is another one of the 12 steps that initially appears most difficult, but the rewards of putting...

Step 8 - Recovered 1113
October 27, 2020

Step 8 Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. For the 12-step recovery member, this 8th step list usually begins with friends and family that have been harmed by a long and tumultuous using career. But...

Step 7 - Recovered 1111
October 20, 2020

In Step Six we ready ourselves to have our shortcomings removed; a difficult, but necessary step towards recovery. Step Seven is the perfect transition from the previous steps, wherein we took a moral inventory, shared it with our higher power and...

Step 6 - Recovered 1109
October 13, 2020

Step Six of AA’s Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve Step program of recovery is all about the removal of what doesn’t work in our lives anymore. Since you have completed Step Four and Five you surely have plenty of things that were revealed to you about...

Step 5 - Recovered 1107
October 06, 2020

Alcoholic Anonymous step five is often called “Confession.” In this step we “admit to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrong.” This step follows a written inventory of our wrongs and it is critical to share...