Rebuilding My Inner Abbey
Latest Episodes
Spot Check: Living Your Baptism
This "Spot Check" builds on the "Living the Sacraments" episode by focusing specifically on Baptism. What is the Sacramental Sign of Baptism, what does it show God doing for us in this Sacrament? How do we respond to this grace? What is the Sacramental Oa
Spiritual Project: Living The Sacraments
This spiritual project challenges you to reflect on the Sacraments you've received, especially the grace you received through them, then discover ways to respond to that grace in your daily spirituality. We're going to bring the Sacraments to life!
Heaven: the Goal of Our Spiritual Project
The first step to any spiritual project is to have a clear vision of the goal. Many Catholics are still stuck with a third grade understanding of Heaven. In this episode of the Rebuilding My Inner Abbey webcast, we'll examine some myths about Heaven, and
My Inner Abbey Episode 0
This episode introduces the "Rebuilding My Inner Abbey" project. Join us as we discuss the five key areas of spirituality every Catholic adult needs to continuously develop in order to build a lay spiritual life.
My Inner Abbey Spot Check: Change Your Focus With Gratitude
Gratitude isn't just for when things go well. Sai…