Rebuilding My Inner Abbey

Rebuilding My Inner Abbey

Latest Episodes

Spot Check: Discerning Your Spiritual Gifts (Charisms)
November 02, 2018

Visit for show notes and related resources. This spot check is a follow-up to the Spiritual Project "Discerning Your Mission." In this spot check, we explore the charismatic graces, how the Holy Spirit works through us to b

Spot Check: Discerning Your Spiritual Gifts (Charisms)
November 02, 2018

This spot check is a follow-up to the Spiritual P…

Spot Check: Discerning the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
October 24, 2018

This is a spot check for the "Discerning Your Mission" Spiritual Project. The Holy Spirit equips our mission with spiritual gifts, including the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. In this reflection I'll teach you about each of these seven Gifts so you can d

Spot Check: Discerning Your Mission By Examining Your Heart
October 24, 2018

In this Spot Check we follow up on the "Discerning Your Mission" Spiritual Project. We're focusing on examining your heart - what you are passionate about and how that can reflect your internal call to serve the Kingdom of God. Visit fo

Spiritual Project: Discerning Your Mission
October 24, 2018

This spiritual project challenges you to reflect on the Sacraments you've received, especially the grace you received through them, then discover ways to respond to that grace in your daily spirituality. We're going to bring the Sacraments to life!

Spot Check: Discerning the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
October 24, 2018

Visit for show not…

Spot Check: Discerning Your Mission by Examining Your Heart
October 04, 2018

In this Spot Check we follow up on the "Discernin…

Spiritual Project: Discerning Your Mission
September 13, 2018

This spiritual project invites you to reflect on …

Spot Check: Living Your Confirmation
August 28, 2018

We continue our exploration of the Sacraments by …

Spot Check: Living Your Confirmation
August 27, 2018

We continue our exploration of the Sacraments by exploring how we can live the Sacrament of Confirmation. We'll explore the Sacramental Sign of Confirmation and how we can respond to the grace the Holy Spirit gives us. We'll also explore the Sacramental O