Whole-Hearted Eating ™ with Dana Monsees & Cristina Hoyt

Whole-Hearted Eating ™ with Dana Monsees & Cristina Hoyt

Reclaiming Body Trust with Hilary Kinavey and Dana Sturtevant

October 12, 2022

On today’s body image-focused episode, Cristina and Dana are interviewing Hilary Kinavey and Dana Sturtevant, the therapist-dietitian team who founded the center for body trust, and who recently released their book, Reclaiming Body Trust: A Path to Healing and Liberation – which we absolutely LOVE. 

Hilary and Dana founded Center for Body Trust to offer programs that encourage movement toward a compassionate, weight-inclusive model of radical care to address body oppression, heal body shame and associated patterns of chronic dieting and disordered eating. Body Trust is an invitation to return to a relationship with your body and yourself that you want to be in for your lifetime—flexible, compassionate, and connected. You can find their book and all social media links at centerforbodytrust.com . For us, this book feels like coming home to your body. We can’t wait for you to listen!

Find the Center for Body Trust & the new book!

Recommendations & Resources Mentioned:

Got a question or feedback for the show? Email us at hello@wholeheartedeating.com 

– follow the show @wholeheartedeatingpod
– Dana on Instagram – @danamonsees_cns
– Cristina on Instagram – @cristinahoytnutrition

Learn more about our 1×1 Nutrition & Coaching services: Schedule a free 15 minute consult worldwide via video or phone –

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Book Cristina HERE

Have questions about the episode, a guest you’d love us to interview, or a topic you’d love us to cover? email us at hello@wholeheartedeating.com !

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