Whole-Hearted Eating ™ with Dana Monsees & Cristina Hoyt

Whole-Hearted Eating ™ with Dana Monsees & Cristina Hoyt

Toxic Narratives that can sabotage your postpartum period with Brooke Miller

July 13, 2022

 Brooke Miller (@nutrition.for.mamas) is back with Cristina to discuss how to care for yourself during the postpartum period, what challenges come up for parents that makes nourishing yourself  so difficult, and the toxic narratives that can truly sabotage your postpartum period (thanks, diet culture, thanks parenting culture). Make sure to check out Brooke’s previous episode: the Biggest Pregnancy & Postpartum Nutrition Misconceptions with Brooke Miller

Also! If you’re expecting and want to prep for a baby, or you’re in your postpartum period, Brooke offers an awesome course called Nourished After Baby. It’s all about supporting yourself nutritionally during such an important time.  Please use the code WHOLEHEARTED30 for $30 off at checkout. 

Hang out with Brooke:

Brooke Miller is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Lactation Counselor, wife and mom of her son Ashton, who rocks an extra chromosome and who has Down syndrome and expecting baby #2 this summer. She is passionate about helping moms and women improve their health without food rules and restrictions. She helps women inside of the Mama Well on helping moms heal their relationship with food and body. She also co-hosts the The Mama Well Podcast. Brooke enjoys hiking, snowboarding and spending time with her friends and family.

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Got a question or feedback for the show? Email us at hello@wholeheartedeating.com 

– follow the show @wholeheartedeatingpod
– Dana on Instagram – @danamonsees_cns
– Cristina on Instagram – @cristinahoytnutrition

Learn more about our 1×1 Nutrition & Coaching services: Schedule a free 15 minute consult worldwide via video or phone –

Book Dana HERE

Book Cristina HERE

Have questions about the episode, a guest you’d love us to interview, or a topic you’d love us to cover? email us at hello@wholeheartedeating.com !

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