Whole-Hearted Eating ™ with Dana Monsees & Cristina Hoyt

Whole-Hearted Eating ™ with Dana Monsees & Cristina Hoyt

Redefining beauty and building body image resilience with Dr Lindsay Kite

June 08, 2022

Dr. Lindsay Kite joins Dana and Cristina to dig deep into self-objectification and body image, how to build body image resilience in the face of body image disruptions, and when well-meaning body compliments do more harm than good. *We’re re-sharing this episode from summer 2021, because we found it to be so incredibly helpful with all the body image disruptions that so many people experience in the summer months!*

We talk about how beauty companies play into this self-objectification with their marketing, even if they are well-meaning. Dr. Lindsay Kite is co-author of the book More Than a Body: Your Body is an Instrument, not an Ornament and co-director of the nonprofit Beauty Redefined, alongside her identical twin sister Lexie Kite.

Find Dr Lindsay

  • Book:  More Than a Body – Your Body is an Instrument, not an Ornament (we highly recommend this on audiobook too!)
  • Instagram: @beauty_redefined
  • Website: morethanabody.org

Recommended Resources & You’ll love these episodes too:

Dr. Lindsay Kite joins Dana and Cristina to dig deep into self-objectification and body image, how to build body image resilience in the face of body image disruptions, and when well-meaning body compliments do more harm than good. We talk about how beauty companies play into this self-objectification with their marketing, even if they are well-meaning. Dr. Lindsay Kite is co-author of the book More Than a Body: Your Body is an Instrument, not an Ornament and co-director of the nonprofit Beauty Redefined, alongside her identical twin sister Lexie Kite.

Got a question or feedback for the show? Email us at hello@wholeheartedeating.com 

– follow the show @wholeheartedeatingpod
– Dana on Instagram – @danamonsees_cns
– Cristina on Instagram – @cristinahoytnutrition

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Have questions about the episode, a guest you’d love us to interview, or a topic you’d love us to cover? email us at hello@wholeheartedeating.com !

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Redefining beauty, Self-objectification, and building body image resilience with Dr Lindsay Kite
