Whole-Hearted Eating ™ with Dana Monsees & Cristina Hoyt

Whole-Hearted Eating ™ with Dana Monsees & Cristina Hoyt

Can you manage chronic health conditions without food restriction?

March 02, 2022

Dana and Cristina dig into the question: how do we figure out if something that is inherently restrictive might be appropriate for this season of your life? Can you manage chronic health conditions without food restriction? What are other ways we can go about managing our symptoms? If we do have a medical reason for evaluating the place a food has in our diet – how do we do that without triggering a restrict-binge spiral? How do we navigate this without allowing the stress of eliminating a food to exacerbate our current symptoms? {Yes – we know it’s very complicated, and extremely nuanced!}

Resources Mentioned:

NOTE: All of these are available through functional medicine practitioners like Cristina & Dana, or Naturopaths, Functional Medicine doctors, etc., and they are mostly out-of-pocket costs. Contact us if you’re interested in getting some of these done and you’re having trouble finding a provider in your area, we can help you find someone!

More episodes on how to manage chronic health conditions without restriction:

Got a question or feedback for the show? Email us at hello@wholeheartedeating.com 

– follow the show @wholeheartedeatingpod
– Dana on Instagram – @danamonsees_cns
– Cristina on Instagram – @cristinahoytnutrition

Learn more about our 1×1 Nutrition & Coaching services: Schedule a free 15 minute consult worldwide via video or phone:

Have questions about the episode, a guest you’d love us to interview, or a topic you’d love us to cover? email us at hello@wholeheartedeating.com !

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Can you manage chronic health conditions without food restriction? | Whole-Hearted Eating Podcast
