Whole-Hearted Eating ™ with Dana Monsees & Cristina Hoyt

Whole-Hearted Eating ™ with Dana Monsees & Cristina Hoyt

Working through limiting beliefs with weight-neutral strength training, with Mark Breedon

January 12, 2022

Mark Breedon is an online strength coach for women who joins us to talk about weight-neutral strength training, and how we can approach exercise, and specifically strength training, in a non-aesthetic-focused way. In this episode we’re talking about how feeling strong is for everyone. It’s not about what you look like or your weight on the scale. Mark shares how your body and your weight do not measure your worth, and they should not be prohibitive to anyone who wants to work on building strength and health through weight training.

We’re also diving into the biggest myths and misconceptions around strength training for women, and how your training journey should be benefiting your mental health, not at the cost of your mental health. Finally, what the nuance that’s missing from the anti-diet/body positivity community to help people who are leaving dieting and want to pursue health?

You’ll love these episodes on weight-neutral strength training too!

Hang out with your hosts!

– Dana – @danamonsees_cns & realfoodwithdana.com
– Cristina on Instagram – @cristinahoytnutrition & cristinahoytnutrition.com

Learn more about our 1×1 Nutrition & Coaching services: Schedule a free 15 minute consult worldwide via video or phone – Book Dana HERE and Book Cristina HERE

Have questions about the episode, a guest you’d love us to interview, or a topic you’d love us to cover? email us at hello@wholeheartedeating.com !

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