Millennial Body Image Project

Millennial Body Image Project

Trailer - the Millennial Body Image Project

September 16, 2024

Welcome to the upgraded version of Whole-Hearted Eating... Raise your hand if your body image has been personally victimized by almond moms, wellness culture, or the rise of ozempic. You’re not alone - it’s in our DNA as millennials; we’re here to flip the script. Welcome to the Millennial Body Image Project, where we empower you with the tools to dismantle wellness culture, challenge weight stigma, and discuss the intersectional systems shaping the way we view our bodies. Because your body is not a problem to be fixed. Cristina Hoyt, MS CNS LDN and Dana Monsees, MS CNS LDN are on a mission to call out harmful messaging, discern fact from fiction, and ultimately guide you through the messiness of body image, how it impacts your health and your relationship with food.