Real Gen Podcast - How To Generate Leads For Your Real Estate Business

Real Gen Podcast - How To Generate Leads For Your Real Estate Business

Latest Episodes

Real Gen 015 – The Formula to Harness The Power of Your Most Valuable Asset
March 13, 2017

Real Gen 015 – The Formula to Harness The Power of Your Most Valuable Asset   Would you like to be more successful in gaining referrals and more transactions from your clients? When I ask Realtors what they are doing with their existing customers as fa...

Real Gen 014 – Marketing Game Has Changed and How To Market Today To Win
March 06, 2017

Real Gen 014 – Marketing Game Has Changed and How To Market Today To Win   Are you frustrated that your marketing doesn’t produce any results? Maybe you just spent the entire day creating the perfect ad for social media.

Real Gen 013 – How To Raise What You Earn Per Hour
February 22, 2017

Real Gen 013 – How To Raise What You Earn Per Hour Do you focus on raising what you earn per hour in real estate? If you answered no, then that would be like most agents that I talk to. However, this podcast will show you why it is an important number ...

Real Gen 012 – Social Media Marketing For Real Estate Professionals
February 15, 2017

Real Gen 012 – Social Media Marketing For Real Estate Professionals How to market on social media is a question that frequently comes up, so I thought I would address it on this episode of the Real Gen Podcast. During this episode,

Real Gen 011 – Effective Email Marketing For Clients
February 06, 2017

Real Gen 011 – Effective Email Marketing For Clients   As I work with my clients on implementing their marketing system, there is a huge disconnect that I see. Generally, with my clients, I see one of two problems with their email marketing: They don’t...

Real Gen 010 – The Hidden Danger Of Thriving Real Estate Markets and How To Become Recession Proof
January 24, 2017

Real Gen 010 – The Hidden Danger Of Thriving Real Estate Markets and How To Become Recession Proof   Recently as I have been talking to many local agents, they have shared with me the production they achieved in 2016. For most of them,

Real Gen 009 – How To Use Events To Generate New Clients
January 16, 2017

Real Gen 009 – How To Use Events To Generate New Clients   We live in a time that is called the Information Age. While this is a widely known fact, what many people are missing out on is that people want information.

Real Gen 008 – The Perfect Referral Strategy Using Businesses You Already Refer
January 09, 2017

Real Gen 008 – The Perfect Referral Strategy Using Businesses You Already Refer   Are there businesses that you already have a great working relationship with, but you aren’t getting enough referrals in return?

Real Gen 007 – How To Generate More Business From Your Clients
December 28, 2016

Real Gen 007 – How To Generate More Business From Your Clients When it comes to generating more business, your clients are the lowest hanging fruit. Why is that? Because they have already experienced you, your service, and they had a great experience.

Real Gen 006 – Sphere Of Influence Marketing Without Becoming An Outcast
December 13, 2016

Real Gen 006 – Sphere Of Influence Marketing Without Becoming An Outcast When I first started in real estate, my broker told me that one place I should start was sphere of influence marketing. If you are unfamiliar the term,