He Said, She Said: Razor Branding™ Podcast

He Said, She Said: Razor Branding™ Podcast

Branding from Down Under with Katrina McKinnon

September 14, 2023

On this week’s episode of He Said, She Said: Razor Branding™ Podcast, we are joined by Katrina McKinnon, an Australian content writing expert, to talk about the value of storytelling in marketing and how combining creativity and strategy creates strong, compelling, and lasting brands. (Sound familiar?) 

Katrina McKinnon founded one of Australia’s first web development agencies in 1996 and pioneered innovative practices now standard in eCommerce, including off-shoring and content marketing. She is the founder of CopySmiths.com, a charter member and one of the 50 founding members of eCommerce Fuel, and a well-known speaker in the eCommerce community. Listen in to this episode of He Said, She Said: Razor Branding™ Podcast as Katrina shares her expertise from years of experience in the web development and marketing industries and how she leveraged that to establish CopySmiths.com to help her clients increase their organic engagement and expand their overall online presence.