Ray’s Rants Life in the 1950s 1960s 1970s Great Britain girls England family UK work school British

Ray’s Rants Life in the 1950s 1960s 1970s Great Britain girls England family UK work school British

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Midweek Message 66.
July 27, 2022

Hello, welcome to another Midweek Message... and another weather report! We're on the verge of a drought here in Britain.  That means there will be a hosepipe ban, which is normal here after a few day

Money! Why is everything so expensive?
July 24, 2022

Money, lots of it or lack of it. How does it affect people? Do you crave money? Are you happy with having only a penny more than you need? Join me for a look at money. Why are things so expensive? Whe

Midweek Message 65.
July 20, 2022

Hello and welcome to another Midweek Message. The temp here in Briton went sky high and broke all records... 40.3 Centigrade which is about 105F. Phew, it's been hot! However, it all ended last night

Conversation... and other stuff!
July 17, 2022

Conversation. Are you any good at chatting in a group of people? To be honest, I don't say much because I can never get a word in edgeways! I wait for someone to take a breath and.. too late! Someone

Midweek Message 64.
July 13, 2022

Hi, and welcome to another Midweek Message. I'm not here... I'm in the Isle of Wight for a few days so I've prerecorded this message. The weather should be ultra hot this week so I might even frighten

Standards, Then and Now
July 10, 2022

Have standards fallen over the last few decades? Do we retain the values which were so much a part of Britain back in the 50s and 60s? Join me for a look at the way things were and the way things are

Midweek Message 63.
July 06, 2022

Hello, I hope you're keeping well. Railway stations were lovely places in the old days. The staff wore uniforms, there were flowers and gardens, everything was freshly painted... what went wrong? Prog

Nothing Works Properly!
July 03, 2022

I heard a chap on the radio saying that nothing works properly in Britain. The railway doesn't work properly, airports don't work properly... Join me for a look at how things are now and how they were

Midweek Message 62.
June 29, 2022

Hi, I hope you're keeping well. This Sunday, I'll be ranting about things not working in Britain. The railways don't work properly, airports are a nightmare, there are massive waiting lists for hospit

The Cost of Living!
June 26, 2022

We are all suffering from price rises. House prices are going through the roof, people can't afford the deposit for a mortgage. In this episode, I look back at the 1970s and also recall a story of a f