Ray’s Rants Life in the 1950s 1960s 1970s Great Britain girls England family UK work school British

Ray’s Rants Life in the 1950s 1960s 1970s Great Britain girls England family UK work school British

Latest Episodes

Midweek Message 71.
August 31, 2022

Hi, welcome to another Midweek Message. Next Sunday's podcast is called My First Time. The first time you moved into a house. The first time you went abroad. Your first car. Your first job. Email me a

Your Diary Entries.
August 28, 2022

Did you keep a diary when you were young? This Sunday, I'll be reading some of your diary entries from days of old. Some sad, some funny... Join me for some interesting revelations! 

Midweek Message 70.
August 24, 2022

Hi, I hope you're well. Did you keep a diary when you were young? If so, send me some of the entries. Whether funny or sad, I'd love to hear some snippets from your diary. This coming Sunday, I'll be

The Benefit of Hindsight.
August 21, 2022

Podcast - The Benefit of Hindsight. We can all look back and wish that we hadn't done this or that. We all make mistakes, but how have out past mistakes affected our lives today? 

Midweek Message 69.
August 17, 2022

Rain, thunder and lightning... and the roof leaks! I have a bowl on my desk to catch the water. The heat wave has gone, for a while. But I'm pretty sure it will return. 

The Summer of 1976
August 14, 2022

Who remembers the summer of 1976? Hot for ten weeks, a drought, hosepipe bans... And now we have the summer of 2022. Join me for a chat about the heat, political correctness, and lots of other stuff. 

Midweek Message 68.
August 10, 2022

It's getting hot again this week! Possibly reaching 36c by the weekend which is 97F. Wow, this is a proper summer! Join me for a quick chat about people who tell lies, the heat wave and more...

Compulsive Liars!
August 07, 2022

We've all met a compulsive liar at some time or other. Why do they do it? Why do people have to lie? In this episode, I look back at some of the lies I've heard over the years.

Midweek Message 67.
August 03, 2022

Hello, it's Wednesday again! We're into August now, where is the time going? It won't be long before there's a shopping day countdown... No, I won't mention December!

Vintage Television License Fee... and more
July 31, 2022

Television arrived in most people's homes in the 1950s and 60s. ITV generated their income from advertising. So, where did the BBC get their money from? Join me in this episode for a look at TV back t