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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday
April 26, 2024

News, commentary, and an extended look back at the major events of the week where the gang-rape of the Rule of Law may finally have gotten too blatant even to be ignored further by the Supreme Court..

Drive Time Friday
April 26, 2024

This was another very interesting week, particularly when it came to exposing just what it looks like when "lawlessness abounds." - But, as Mark and David discuss, just MAYBE we may see a bit of pushb

“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly
April 25, 2024

More and more commentators are lamenting the fact that 'errors' like a NOT-vaccine that is neither safe, nor effective, and show trials that demonstrate not only how far from the Rule of Law a once-fr

Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday
April 25, 2024

News and commentary for Thursday, 25 April, 2024.

Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday
April 24, 2024

News and commentary for Wednesday, 24 April, 202

Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday
April 23, 2024

News and commentary for Tuesday, 23 April, 2024.

Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 42
April 22, 2024

Is the wearing of a headscarf (or kippah for males) what is being discussed in 1 Corinthians chapter 11? - Why does Paul talk about headship or authority structure in 1 Corinthians chapter 11? What do

Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 107 (That’s So Lame)
April 22, 2024

THAT'S SO LAME - With the eclipse so recent, literally putting a point on the new year of the feast cycle at the New Moon (Rosh Chodesh), it seemed proper to emphasize this year's pilgrimage through t

Mark Call – Parsha “Metzora” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa
April 21, 2024

Parsha "Metzora" (Leviticus chapters 14 through 15) is almost like "part two" of something many people might tend to skip over anyway. - But don'! - After all, this malady hasn't been seen in - at l

Hidden Leaven… In Plain Sight!
April 20, 2024

Originally from PASSOVER 2022 BUT EVEN MORE RELEVANT & PROFOUND TODAY THAN IT WAS 2 YEARS AGO! - Passover, Leaven & Judging Others Should We? Are we as a chosen & transformed people, who do our be