Racial Heresy | Making Racial Reconciliation a Spiritual Practice

Latest Episodes
White Blindness, The Ethiopian Finance Minister, & Us
We act like whiteness doesn't hurt or change us. Perhaps, whiteness, white blindness, white supremacy hurts "others" but we like to believe that it doesn't damage our faith. We're wrong, of course. We
Robin DiAngelo & Robert P. Jones: White Fragility & Why America has been White Too Long
We've been White Too Long for way too long. Our white church, our white faith, and our white identities are way too Fragile. What will it take to change the church? Robin DiAngelo, PhD, returns and jo
White Too Long: De-White Christianizing America
Racial Heresy engages with Dr. Robert P. Jones, author of White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity, to explore beyond the damning statistics to the future of our faith,
What is Our Role in the Midst of a Coup?
We recorded this episode on the MORNING of Jan 6th, 2021, before an armed mob of angry white folks stormed the United States Capital. So now what? Repentance & Reclaiming our Authority Does t
White Supremacy Lessons & Carols
Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? Yeah, us neither. But we hope you enjoy this Christmas mini-album! https://youtu.be/9vsNDMlN1CY Working toward Beloved Community. There is so much more to say and much more to discuss - come to t...
Gifts Across the Color Line to Make the Word Flesh in Our Midsts
I never meant to do this episode, so I don't have a prepared post or a well-worded blurb. Yes, the Spirt spoke (mostly to Fr. Jabriel and Pr. Jimmie), so I tried to catch up. I hope you'll do better than me and listen.
The Incarnation of Advocacy for Black Identity.
Black identity is under attack, once again, in the Georgia runoff. White allies are tired from the "hard work" of getting Trump out of office. We're ready to return to normal. Will the white church find the courage to advocate for the right of Black le...
What To Do With Heresy? We Were Warned, Now What?
St. Paul admonishes us to be on our guard and warns us about savage wolves that will come to pull away the faithful. The book of Jude (yup, it's in the Bible, keep looking...) warns us of the dangers of false teachers,
Election 2020 – Where is God? Where are YOU?
On the morning of November 4th, 2020, Racial Heresy went LIVE! For the first time ever, events were so pressing, the pressure so great, and the Spirit was moving so that we finally took to Facebook Live to process the results of the election (such as t...
When Will We Start Listening?
When will we start listening to God and when will we start listening to Black experience? If white people are serious about reconciliation, then we should one day find ourselves reconciling with white supremacists.