Quest For You

Latest Episodes
Zooming In – Quest For You 600
Celebrating 600 episodes coincides with the end of an epic year and I want to take to opportunity to invite you to reflect together with me. I want to help you see that this year may have not been the most productive,
Three ways to find gratitude – Quest For You 599
Join me on this Thanksgiving day 2020 with some gratitude, no matter how hard that might be to find this year. We can find gratitude in the past, by acknowledging all the wonderful experiences we have had. We can also find it in this present moment,
The moments bigger than us – Quest For You 598
The moments that are bigger than us tend to lead us into many directions - hiding, frantically searching for answers, or we feel overwhelmed. I have found that such moments, of which we have many this year, are meant to lead us back to ourselves.
We need civility – Quest For You 597
Its election week and I am less concerned about who wins, and more about what our reaction as a country will be to the incoming president. The word civility has been on my mind lately and this week is a good time to remind ourselves that we cannot affo...
My silence – Quest For You 596
I have been silent for a few weeks with this podcast and this episode is an attempt to explain my reasons. And while there are many potential explanations - the bottom line is this - I haven't gotten it done.
Choose yourself – Quest For You 595
In the last months, our lives have been pretty restricted, and we had to follow many guidelines devised by others. But that doesn't mean we need to give up control of our entire life. Being restricted is not the end.
Presence is enough – Quest For You 594
When life is challenging, its our tendency to escape. Or we furiously try to work out solutions to our issues. Yet there is a simpler answer that doesnt waste so much effort and time. Its called pres
The Four Noble Truths of Love – Quest For You 593
I am fascinated by this grounding and yet inspiring book that brings home the importance of connecting with ourselves first before we can try to try love another. Piver beautifully connects the 4 Noble Truths of Buddhism to love and relationships,
Quest Stories: A Mother’s Story – QFY 592
A life-altering tragedy can be a stopping point for many of us. But not for Marilyn Washington Harris. Her love for her son has guided her through extremely challenging times, and at the same time gave her to fuel to turn her pain into action.
When things fall apart – Quest For You 591
Things have fallen apart lately quite a bit for all of us. Pema Chdrn's book offers a light that can help us see in the darkness. And it begins with us. We have to change our grasping for safety and