Put It In Your Ears

Put It In Your Ears

Latest Episodes

118: Make the Flavour Better
January 04, 2010

A little Wikipedia Discussion Theater and... Dana wants guys to take pills to change the flavor of their semen. Is there a pill for that? OF COURSE THERE IS. And of course it's made in Canada. What's a "Turkey Sandwich"? It involves braces and you'll nev

Put It In Your Speed Dial
December 16, 2009

We were inspired after seeing Meadows’ tweet putting us into her phone under “Drunk Dial”, that we’re going to make it easier for everyone to put our contact information into their phones. Right Click to Save: Put It In Your Ears C

117: The Falafel Thing
December 15, 2009

We're back and this one's a doozy. Where's Gavin been? Gavin explains... kinda. Rob figured out what his AXE deodorant smells like, and we come up with an idea for a new deodorant. Bill O'Reilly and... the falafel thing. Also, don't forget to call the n

116: Age Gaps
November 15, 2009

What's the story when Rob had a gun aimed at him? It has a bit to do with dating a girl who was much younger than him. The age gap wasn't so bad, but she was in high school at the time and he was in college. It's not as bad as Hulk Hogan or his wife, but

115: Terrible Advice
November 14, 2009

Rob's got some terrible advice for Laura and Dina from Hey Girl Hey. Dana urges that not to take the advice, despite it working for Rob and his wife.

114: Pee Shy
November 13, 2009

Topics: Are you pee shy? What's proper bathroom etiquette? Talk to people after going to the bathroom or during? Which is more weird - doing coke in a bathroom or powdering your nose? Where is the pissing and shitting club in NYC? Why are Canadians scare

113: A Horrible Choice
November 11, 2009

Another show where we are joined by our friends from Hey Girl Hey. Do you remember the first time you went looking for porn on the internet? Dana managed to find one of the first porn sites in existence: Bianca.com (wikipedia link). It's a shame that she

112: Gun Date
November 10, 2009

Ever have a drunken night that you barely remember what happened the night before? Try mixing that with not knowing that the clocks have changed. That way, everyone references different times. Ever have a roommate with a gun? How about encountering a mal

111: Burger Chicken Dreams Tomato
November 09, 2009

Do guys feel weird when they cry? Dana and the ladies from Hey Girl Hey don't really worry much about crying. Actually, they want to make a scene. Speaking of, have you ever thrown a drink in someone's face? How about getting one thrown in your face? Dina

110: Crying
November 08, 2009

We're once again joined by Laura and Dina from Hey Girl Hey. After a little chat about podcasting and double enders, Laura and Dina chat with Rob and Dana about their Halloween costumes. Of course, it's impossible to avoid a sexy costume. Laura and Dina d