Punch It: Writing in Star Trek

Punch It: Writing in Star Trek

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Punch It 84 - Hoshi and the UT
August 23, 2018

Hoshi Sato didn't get enough love on Star Trek: Enterprise. So we talk about what happened to her after the show. There were more than a few underused characters on Star Trek: Enterprise. Much like with Beverly Crusher on Star Trek: The Next...

Punch It 83 - Rethinking Neelix
August 16, 2018

Can you rewrite Neelix from Star Trek: Voyager to be more beloved by the fans?? No matter how you feel about the adorable hedgehog, he was not a big hit in the fandom. People were annoyed and irritated by him right out of the gate. Even though he...

Punch It 82 - Growing Up Artificial
August 09, 2018

Last week we took a look at aging characters and now we do the same but with Artificial Intelligence? in Star Trek Characters age just like actors. Some get taller, larger, thinner, change their hair, or get wrinkles; except when they don't. This...

Punch It 81 - Characters Age
August 02, 2018

Great characters not only have an arc, they grow up in Star Trek as well While a character's arc can be linked to growing up it can also be separate. This can be facilitated by the natural aging process of the actor or by the writers allowing the...

Punch It 80 - Spock's Brain Redux
July 26, 2018

Spock's Brain is one of the worst episodes in Star Trek. So we fixed it. We have been bucking the trend lately with redoing horrible Star Trek episodes. Normally, we just punch up mediocre episodes but it's just been so much fun to go after the...

Punch It 79 - Riker/Troi
July 19, 2018

What if Riker and Troi tried one more time before Worf snuck into the picture?? A lot of what Punch It is, is fan fiction on-the-fly. Tristan and Char are shippers at heart and they would be neglecting their nerd duties if they didn't discuss one of...

Punch It 78 - BoJack Horseman
July 12, 2018

BoJack Horseman

Punch It 77 - Future Artificial Crew
June 28, 2018

What would a Star Trek show look like that took place on a Starfleet ship ran by Artificial Intelligence?

Punch It 76 - Cast the First Stone
June 14, 2018

Rewrite of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's "Let He Who is Without Sin"

Punch It 75 - Away Mission: Gilmore Girls Revival
June 07, 2018

We analyze A Year in the Life for our final Gilmore Girls episode