Pregnancy Help Podcast
Latest Episodes
The Intersection of Missions and Life-Affirming Work
Ellen Foell invites Hilary Alan to speak on her experience in life-affirming work starting with overseas missions and leading to her current role as a Client Services Director at a pregnancy center in
Empowering Survivors of Domestic Abuse – Stacey Womack
Join Valerie Harkins in conversation with Stacey Womack, Founder and Executive Director of Abuse Recovery Ministry Services (ARMS) to explore the topic of domestic abuse and the impact on victims who
Media Engagement – Andrea Trudden and Lisa Bourne
In todays fast-paced media landscape, it is more crucial than ever for pregnancy centers to understand how public narratives are shaped. In this episode, Andrea Trudden and Lisa Bourne break down the
Coffee with Kirk – Of Buc-ee’s, Raving Fans & Pregnancy Help
Kirk Walden relates his recent experiences at the happiest place on earth for weary travellers, Buc-ees to the work of pregnancy help. You may not be selling fuel, snacks, or merchandise at your ce
Pregnancy Help News Brief – Ep. 7
In this months news highlights, Lisa Bourne takes us through recent Pregnancy Help News articles, updating us on lawsuits regarding Abortion Pill Reversal, success stories, and charges brought agains
Early Voting – Dena Espenscheid
Abortion is on every ballot this year in the United States, and understanding the advantages of early voting is critical. Dena Espenscheid from The Leadership Institute joins Jor-El Godsey to discuss
Diapers That Make A Difference – EveryLife
Sarah Gabel Seifert, co founder and president of the diaper company,EveryLifejoins Andrea Trudden to talk about how this pro-lifecompany came to be, and how pregnancy help organizations can partner
Implementing a Statewide Telehealth Program – Christie Robertson
Christie Robertson, CEO of the Arkansas Pregnancy Network joins Beth Diemert to explain how her state coalition recently launched a statewide telehealth program to connect with women who have question
Pregnancy Help News Brief – Ep. 6
Lisa Bourne, Pregnancy Help News Managing Editor, takes us through the most recent updates to litigation surrounding Abortion Pill Reversal. In one particular case, a federal judge has granted a tempo
Coffee with Kirk – Spaces and Places
Kirk Walden delves into the concept of of bringing Jesus message, The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand, to a culture that is not eager to welcome it. Using his idea of spaces and places, we can incorpo