The Macron Show

The Macron Show

Call Ronny's Back Bottom

March 04, 2024

Well this show really got away from us. Somebody decided it would be a good idea to open up our phone lines for you all to call in and obviously it was chaos. Seriously though thanks to everyone that called in with awesome messages. We might have to make this a regular thing. We also had some of the silliest complainers we've had for a while including one man who couldn't figure out how to use a Playstation controller, one lady who couldn't drive properly and was very upset about people pointing it out, a lady who did not like our new AI Karen filter, a man bitching about his blender, a very racist lady who was upset about being asked to leave a taxi for being rude and a lady who couldn't call her own phone company and had to take an IQ test. And a whole lot more fun was had too! Thank you to all the people that listened live on YouTube and everyone checking out our podcast. I love you very much and keep it locked to where Ron will be doing more supporter's shows at BuyMeACoffee!