Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Latest Episodes

Word to the young, strong, and matured
August 25, 2019

John gives us his reasons for writing this letter to these believers with the mind to instruct and exhort these three groups.   His goal is that the children in the faith will grow stronger and be used by God to make more children in the faith.

Being with God in the Word
August 18, 2019

While the pastor was on vacation, Gabe Harris came and preached the word for us at Prairie Oaks.  We wanted to share the audio from His message on the importance of daily time with God through His Word.  Please give it a listen as he had many good poin...

Fellowship through Forgiveness
August 11, 2019

John had walked and talked with Jesus for many years, both physically and spiritually after the ascension.  So he knew something about fellowship with the Living God.  And although John was an apostle, he also had experienced how sin troubles the fello...

Win Against Sin – Spiritual Warfare
August 11, 2019

  We enjoyed having one of our young men present God’s Word to us Sunday evening, Mason McCourt.  Excited to have a part in the development of these godly young men and women through our church. Mason covered a lot of territory in Scripture but he util...

What Does God Require of us?
August 04, 2019

Moses was about to exit stage left and among his parting words to the children of Israel were these thoughts of what God really wanted from His chosen people.  The LORD has the authority to make expectations and hold us accountable for them.

We live for Him who died for us and rose again.
July 28, 2019

Paul was so committed to Christ because he marveled over the Savior who died and rose again to save a sinner like Paul.  He challenges us as well to live in zealous gratitude to Christ who has made us new, reconciled us to the Father,

Why David confessed his guilt before God.
July 21, 2019

David was a man after God’s own heart.  Yet he was not a flawless man.  David sinned with tragic consequences. But the man with a heart who pursued God was sure to repent once he was confronted with his failures.

Prayer to Proclaim the Gospel
July 14, 2019

Sometimes we giggle at the antics of the disciples while reading in the gospels while admiring their boldness in the stories recorded in Acts.  The change within them was both supernatural and intentional.   They endured the threats from hostile author...

Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
July 07, 2019

We were blessed to hear from a good friend of Brad’s, visiting from the 49th State.  Greg Crawford presented to us what a change in perspective the disciples received after witnessing the transfiguration, a change that we need as followers of Christ as...

Christ strengthens us
June 30, 2019

This is such a wonderful verse that concisely gives us His promise to help us … to do what exactly?  We unpack that question as we see in Scripture God’s promise to help us through faith in Christ, focusing on Christ,