Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Latest Episodes

Moses Shares Good News
March 07, 2021

Moses is recruited by God Almighty for the deliverance of the children of Israel. First recruit by Moses is his brother Aaron and together they mobilize the elders of Israel to believe that the LORD is about to rescue them.

God of the Bramble
February 28, 2021

Moses had been living on the sidelines in the desert, the life of a Midianite shepherd. But while tending sheep on the slopes of the mountain of God, Moses saw the bramble in flames yet not consumed by the fire.

Preparing for an Exodus
February 21, 2021

God miraculously prepared Moses to be the deliverer of the Hebrew slaves, but it had to be according to the timing of God and by His means. The natural abilities of Moses were not enough for what needed done.

Beloved to Love
February 14, 2021

John was transformed from the “son of thunder” to the apostle of love by his experiences with Christ and lifelong fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit. He challenges us to abide more deeply with the God who manifested His love at the cross so th...

Put the Hurt to Rest
February 07, 2021

Jacob’s sons did not get along for much of their younger years, but as God had foretold, they would be dependent upon their brother Joseph. And following Jacob’s death and many decades, the reconciliation was formalized between them through repentance ...

When we sing
January 31, 2021

God created us to remember songs and wanted that trait to remind us of Him and His Word. And the songs we sing can teach our minds and enliven our hearts.  So let His Word dwell in you every day of the week with musical reminders for the glory of the O...

The Blessing of God
January 24, 2021

The LORD singled out Abraham and Sarah to leave their home and come be a part of God’s great plan to bless all the nations. This was perhaps more radical than we imagine with greater reward than we grasp. And they packed up and obeyed,

Set Apart for Glory
January 17, 2021

Romans 8 has so much going on that we don’t do it justice. The glorification of the believer in Christ Jesus is so much more than we can do justice. But we examine where Romans 8 touches on our culminating gift of salvation,

Set Apart for Sacred
January 10, 2021

Humans were created set apart from the rest of creation to be God’s handmade image-bearers who would proclaim the glory and dominion of the Creator God. But man detoured from that sacred task to seek his own glory.

Righteousness of God
January 03, 2021

The righteousness of God, from God, by God accounted by the Judge to sinners seems inconceivable. Yet Jesus Christ accomplished that perfect righteousness for others and died on the cross so that the His own justice would be satisfied.