Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Prairie Oaks Pulpit

Latest Episodes

The Place for His Presence
October 03, 2021

Following the spiritual disaster with the golden calf idol, Moses successfully intercedes for the nation to still have the presence of God in their midst. They chose the presence of God over the promi

Necessary for Obedience
September 26, 2021

Jesus beautifully illustrated the command to love one’s neighbor with the story of the Good Samaritan, where someone who had no reason to show compassion to a hurting person went above and beyond to h

More than a Name
September 19, 2021

The LORD descends to the mountain to proclaim His Name, to declare His character, for Moses and the children of Israel for all generations of those who love the LORD. We do well to meditate upon these

Greater Intimacy with God
September 12, 2021

Moses has interceded in behalf of the idolatrous Israelites that God would not disown them. Desiring God to continue to be present with them in the journey ahead, Moses asks to see the glorious presen

Repent for More
September 05, 2021

The children of Israel had broken the covenant of love and broken the heart of God with their traitorous turn with the golden calf. Moses had successfully pleaded with God to turn away His wrath. But

An Idol or the Intercessor
August 29, 2021

It is ironic but hopefully no surprise that the very stories designed to warn us against making idols are often most likely to tempt us modern people to make idols. Why? Because they reveal God to not

Practicing the Preaching
August 22, 2021

First a review of the Ten Commands. Have you got them memorized by now? But knowing them by heart is only the first step. You won’t do what you don’t know. The big step is being one who does the comma

Love Your Neighbor
August 15, 2021

Jesus summed up all the Law and Prophets into two commands: Love God and love your neighbor (Matt 22:35-40). And for some reason, this can be more convicting than the individual commands He gave at Si

Living the Living Word of God
August 08, 2021

I wanted to spend a few minutes sharing about a Bible study method we are using at Prairie Oaks. Plus I wanted to plug the Gideons International as the local chapter visits our congregation on Sunday.

Valuable Parents
August 01, 2021

Ten Commands from the LORD. The middle is the command to honor your mother and father. The Spirit through Paul repeats and elaborates on this command in his letter to the Ephesians. Minor children obe