Powerful Patient

Powerful Patient

Latest Episodes

Why One-Third of Hospitals will Close by 2020
November 09, 2015

Despite a history of strength and stature in America, the hospital institution is in the midst of massive and disruptive change. By 2020, one in three hospitals will close. Listen

Strengthening the Mind-Body Connection
October 27, 2015

Dr. Alison Kay talks about the Asian energy practices she feels will help Americans create vibrantly healthy, happy lives. Listen

The Impact of Social Media on Healthcare
October 27, 2015

Dr. Paula Goldenberg talks with Robin and Joyce about her social media "clinic" on Facebook. Listen

Medical Imaging – Radiation Safety and Quality
October 14, 2015

Medical imaging is a critically valuable tool in diagnosing and treating disease. What progress is being made on safety and quality? Listen

ESMO and Immuno-Oncology
October 06, 2015

Hopes are high that immuno-oncology, will control cancer -- but how much of the hype is yet real? Deb Maskens talks about ESMO and 10-for-IO. Listen

World Congress Patient Engagement Summit
September 22, 2015

Robin and Joyce speak with Nancy Finn to recap the experience of the conference, and to speak more in depth about patient engagement in their own healthcare. Listen

Our Diagnostic Odyssey
September 22, 2015

Joyce and Robin speak with Patricia Weltin about her difficult road to diagnosis for her daughters, and what she has learned that can help others. Listen

Filling the Gaps in Health Care
September 15, 2015

Joyce and Robin speak with Jeff Hulett about the work of Church Health Center to help fill the gaps in health care in Memphis. Listen

Reducing Infant Mortality in the United States
September 09, 2015

What can we do to lower the incidence of infant deaths? Dr. Robert Ford, a retired OB/GYN from W Memphis, AR, now living in Memphis TN, shares his insights. Listen

Travel Insurance for people with medical issues
September 01, 2015

Travel insurance sounds good, but too often when you need it, it does not deliver. How to reassure yourself? Listen