Powerful Patient

Powerful Patient

Latest Episodes

Wellness and Resilience through Integrated Health
October 11, 2020

Dr. Daniel Monti speaks with Joyce Graff and Megan Conley about his new book, Tapestry of Health, providing guidance on supporting your own wellness and resilience. Listen

COVID: The Real Science
September 24, 2020

Five experts meet to discuss COVID-19, how to end a pandemic, and how to protect ourselves while it is with us: Masks, Testing, Vaccines, and keeping safe. Listen

Clinical Trials in the time of COVID-19
September 17, 2020

Joyce and Robin speak with Dr. David Gerber of UTSW about the changes that have been made to keep clinical trials going and patients safe during the COVID emergency. Listen

Teaching Visually Impaired Students in Public Schools
September 17, 2020

Arlene Hernandez, a retired TVI, talks with Joyce about the joys and challenges of teaching visually handicapped students in the public schools. Listen

When will we have a safe vaccine for COVID-19?
September 02, 2020

Dr. Ofer Levy leads a group of scientists working to develop vaccines that are safe and effective for people of all ages and ethnicities. Listen

How One Community is Containing COVID-19
September 01, 2020

In an interview with Dr. Swannie Jett, Commnr of Public Health for Brookline, Mass., we learn how a town of 60,000 people is keeping COVID-19 under control. Listen

Technical Coaching for Visually Impaired Students
August 29, 2020

TechVision is a company that works with students, parents, educators, school systems and employers to help get people up-to-speed on the use of the technology. Listen

Talking Tech for Visually Impaired Students
August 29, 2020

https://powerfulpatient.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/liza.png Listen

Polio SWAT team tackles COVID
August 25, 2020

Since March 2020, the worldwide team working on Polio has been repurposed to work instead on COVID-19.  Listen

COVID Online Schooling for the Visually Impaired
July 22, 2020

Sue Buckley of Knoxville has been helping blind young people to gain the skills needed to succeed at online learning. Hints for parents and teachers. Listen