Powerful Patient

Powerful Patient

Latest Episodes

Mesothelioma … 4% of lung cancer
January 26, 2017

Lung cancer affects more people than all the other prominent cancers combined. Mesothelioma is one form...4% of all lung cancer. Listen

Lung Cancer and More
January 19, 2017

We speak with Dr. Ross Camidge about what people need to know about lung cancer. Listen

Eradicating Polio Worldwide – the challenge, the opportunity
January 13, 2017

Dr. Jay Wenger explains that we have a groundbreaking opportunity to remove the polio virus from the planet. Listen

Annual Report, 2016, Powerful Patient
January 12, 2017

Joyce updates everyone on what Powerful Patient has been up to throughout 2016. Listen

Helping your baby with metabolic disorders
January 05, 2017

A young mother speaks with Joyce about learning that her beautiful baby has a metabolic disorder -- what that means and how to help. Listen

Dealing with Complex Medical Disorders
April 05, 2016

Medical conditions that cross medical specialties are particularly challenging for patients and their doctors. How to help? Listen

Living with Multiple Myeloma
April 04, 2016

Jack Aiello has been living with multiple myeloma since 1995. Joyce and Robin talk with him about patient empowerment. Listen

What Can We Do About Drug Prices?
March 22, 2016

Joyce and Robin speak with Abbey Meyers, founder of the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), about her new book Orphan Drugs: A Global Crusade. Listen

Should I worry about Gadolinium?
March 15, 2016

Joyce and Robin talk with Dr. Richard Samelka, who is involved in investigations into the long-term effects of the use of gadolinium. Listen

Shortening the Time to Treatment
March 08, 2016

Robin and Joyce speak with Zoe Barry of ZappRx, a secure online platform allowing patients, physicians and pharmacists to improve patients’ access to treatment. Listen