Post Session Podcast

Post Session Podcast

The LOCAL Blue Mind with Buffy Andrews

March 16, 2021

Buffy Andrews of the Made Well Center and This Whole Life Foundation joins the ladies to discuss the issues surrounding mental health. They talk about the body, mind, spirit balance and how Made Well Center is working in the trenches to keep our local community healthy and happy.

For more Post Session Podcast surfing and diving adventures check the ladies out on Instagram, Facebook or email them. You can also support them on Patreon.  Don’t forget to read the blog!

Post Session Notes

Buffy: Buffy is excited about going to Puerto Rico and the ladies get into a conversation about breathing.

Ash: Ashley hasn’t been diving but she is gearing up for upcoming freediving courses.

Laurel: Rule of 100 Laurel ain’t going surfing if the ambient temp and water temp don’t add up to 100 degrees.

Injustice of the week

Buffy brings us up to date with Starbuck’s milk option which is the “lack of” options. Specifically oat milk.

She also discusses the lack of affordable health and mental care for the middle class.

Dive Deeper

The ladies dive into the question of how you stay healthy. Buffy uses yoga to stay healthy and recommends either having a professional or having really good, “wise” friends to help with the burden. She talks about her work at the Made Well Center of Wilmington, NC and the Whole Life Foundation.

What makes people more resilient? How do we learn to cope?

God Waters

3 John 1:2

“Dear Friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in Spirit. 

“You are not a body with a soul, you are a soul that has a body”-CS Lewis

Mark 5:34: Made Well’s scripture


$30 and get your Harmony Bundle from Made Well Center or donate to This Whole Life Foundation.


Made Well Center

This Whole Life Foundation

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