

Latest Episodes

Podversation about Cohen
March 02, 2019

The Cohen Testimony happened. Brandon and Spencer discuss what went down, how it infuriated them, and how all things point to legal troubles for Trump.

Podversations 05: Problems with Culture
February 19, 2019

Spencer leads the discussion on problems with culture and shares personal insight into the problems facing people in our society.

Movie Podversations 02: The Phantom Menace
February 16, 2019

Brandon and Spencer (mostly Brandon) has a podversation about Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. This goes into details about Jar Jar Binks importance to the saga, the meaning behind the midi-chlorians, and the real-world connections to the Gulf W

Podversations 04: Game Day
February 03, 2019

Special guest Chandler joins in with Spencer and Brandon on the podversation surrounding the Big Game and everything sports. In this episode Brandon hates the NFL, talks about growing up with sports fanatics, and the group discusses their favorite teams.

Movie Podversations 01: Favorite Film Lists
January 29, 2019

Spencer asks Brandon about his favorite films of all time... and this short... not well-thought out podversation took place. This will be the first of multiple movie related episodes of the all new spin-off show, 'Movie Podversations.' Yeah, we are that b

Podversations 03: Political Compass
January 19, 2019

Brandon and Spencer get a little bit political as they take and discuss a political compass test and discuss the questions and results. Plus, Spencer teases his upcoming video series and Brandon nerds out on 'Star Wars' parallels to the real world and is

Podversations 02: Inspiration
January 11, 2019

Spencer takes the lead and engages in a podversation with Brandon about inspiration and creativity. Plus Best New Thing is Spencer's grades, and Brandon is excited about Denis Villenueve's upcoming 'Dune' film.

Podversations 01: Getting to Know You
January 05, 2019

Brandon and Spencer bring Podversations back to life in this all-new first episode where they simply get to know one another.

Podversations 01: Marriage
September 05, 2015

Guests Kathie and Melanie join Brandon in a full-length, in-depth discussion on marriage, being an 'Old Maid,' and gag-a-riffic love memes.
