Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

Get Out of Your Own Damn Way Podcast

Latest Episodes

#96: You Decide…Even When You Don’t
April 20, 2017 - Have you ever found yourself standing in the cereal aisle at the grocery store, staring at the dozens of boxes, pacing, agonizing, comparing nutritional information, calories, prices,

#95: Procrastination Doesn’t Have to Be a Dirty Word
April 13, 2017 - I have so much to do right now. Maybe I should start by making a list. But first I'll make a pot of tea. And I should check my email, FB, IG, Twitter... - I just wasted several hours.

#94: Communication for Dummies Part 2: Listen So People Will Speak
April 06, 2017 - We all have that one friend. You know who I'm talking about. She never seems to truly listen to what you say. You can pour your heart out to her about how you just wrecked your car and will be broke and riding the bus fo...

#93: Communication for Dummies Part 1: Speak So People Will Listen
March 30, 2017 - Did you ever play that game where you replace the lyrics to a popular song so that they still sound similar, fit into the tune, even rhyme...but completely change the meaning, tone, and spirit of it all? In other words,

#92: No is a Complete Sentence
March 23, 2017 - What if a complete stranger approached you on the street and asked you for a kidney? Would you say yes or would you say no? - Okay, I realize that this is an absurd situation that would almost definitely never happen.

#91: Deconstructing the Good Girl
March 16, 2017 -   - Hi, my name is Krylyn and I'm a good girl! - Okay, to be perfectly honest, I'm a recovering good girl. Which is not to say that I'm a bad girl or no longer a good one or that being a good girl is bad or that being ...

#90: Boundary Setting for Dummies
March 09, 2017

If you've ever been in a dysfunctional relationship. If you don't always feel your power. If you find yourself being walked all over, used, abused, or just plain drained by how someone in your life is treating you,

#89: Let’s Get Read-eeeeee to NOT Rumble!
March 02, 2017

Ever have one of those days when everyone seems 100% committed to pushing your buttons and testing your boundaries? That overnight package got lost in the mail. You've wasted over 40 minutes of your lunch break on hold with an apathetic customer servic...

#88: Change is Hard…and Other Lies Your Mother Told You
February 23, 2017

Have you ever lost a tooth? Of course! You lost a bunch of them. You were told to put them under your pillow at night while you slept. And instead of freaking out in terror that your own body parts would attack your face in your dreams,

#87: To Know ME…is to Love ME
February 16, 2017

Remember when you were little and someone close to you would tell you how beautiful you were? Or smart, talented, sweet, etc. Maybe you even had a special nickname that lit you up like a fireworks show every time you heard it. - What's more,