Psychologists Off the Clock

Psychologists Off the Clock

Bonus Episode: Positive Working Parenthood with Cara Goodwin

April 20, 2023

Welcome to this exciting bonus episode where POTC co-host Yael Schonbrun joins the incredible Child Psychologist, Cara Goodwin, for an empowering conversation exploring the artful science of working parenthood on Cara’s podcast, The Parenting Translator.

Discover how to use parenting science to guide healthy choices and transform guilt into a powerful tool that aligns with your core values. You'll also gain insights into developing self-compassion and cultivating a growth mindset. Get ready to be inspired to take your parenting journey to the next level. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to learn and grow!

Listen and Learn: 
  • The concept of work-family enrichment
  • The different pathways in which your competing roles as a working parent can feed each other
  • How an exotic dancer’s experience negotiating with her own children helped her deal with her clients at work
  • Is it possible to achieve the perfect work-family balance?
  • Yael's tips for managing guilt as a working parent
  • Intentional activities that can improve your life as a working parent
  • Does working parenthood get easier as your children grow older?


About Cara Goodwin

Cara Goodwin, is the founder of Parenting Translator, a mother to three young children, and a licensed psychologist with a PhD in child clinical psychology. Before she had her second child, she spent her days doing research in child psychology and neuroscience, assessing children for developmental problems, doing therapy with children of all ages, and training parents on how to use the most recent scientific findings to help their children.

After taking some time off to be with my own children, she became desperate for an intellectual outlet so, on the brink of the COVID-19 pandemic and pregnant with a third child, she decided to start an Instagram account (@parentingtranslator) and website ( with the purpose of taking recent scientific research and translating it into information that parents can use in their everyday lives. That IG account has taken off, with considerably over 100K followers, a newsletter, a podcast, and she’s also the author of a kids book titled, What to Do When You Feel Like Hitting: A No Hitting Book for Toddlers.

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