Latest Episodes
Focusing purely on technology limits the understanding of Internet resilience
Nowmay Opalinski discusses the GEODE project and his analysis of Internet resilience in Pakistan
Privacy and DNS Client Subnet
APNIC Labs measurement of EDNS0 "ECS" use in the wild
DNS and UDP truncation
An exploration of the EDNS0 packet size option, and the observed reality in UDP DNS
The SIDN Labs Post-Quantum DNSSEC testbed
How SIDN Labs is using a virtual environment to understand PQC DNSSEC deployment
Calling time on DNSSEC part 2 of 2
Geoff explores what we can do to make DNSSEC functional at scale
Testing post quantum cryptography in DNSSEC
how bind9 and powerDNS backed PQC works in the field, tested via Atlas
Calling time on DNSSEC: Part 1 of 2
An exploration of the market failure of DNSSEC in deployment
The check is in the (e)Mail(s)
How the FreeBSD cluster health is monitored from analysing email flows
We don't need subnets any more
Measuring IPv6 subnet boundaries from address collections