DNSSEC: The case for and against
In this episode of PING, APNIC's Chief Scientist Geoff Huston discusses DNSSEC and presents a case "for" and "against" deployment, in the context of complexity, fragility, and impact on the DNS process at large. DNSSEC is net beneficial but its by no means automatic to deploy it protecting a zone.
Read more about the issues in DNSSEC deployment on the APNIC Blog:
- to DNSSEC or not? (Geoff Huston)
- IP Fragmentation and the DNS - Mitigation (Carsten Strotmann)
- DNSSEC Validation - Performance Killer (Petr Špaček)
- [Podcast] DNS spoofing is a non-issue if we all do DNSSEC (Geoff Huston)
- Addressing the challenges of modern DNS (Moritz Müller)
And for Geoff's continuing measurement of DNSSEC see for his daily updated measurements of DNSSEC validation.
The views expressed by the featured speakers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of APNIC.