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Pulse Internet Measurement Forum at APRICOT Pt 1
5 interviews with presenters from the recent PIMF session held at APRICOT/APNIC59 Petaling Jaya
RPKI Views: The archive of RPKI state
How Job Snijders collects and collates the worldwide state of RPKI
How Many DNS Nameservers is enough?
Measuring counts of NS per domain and resolver NS selection behaviour at scale
Post-Quantum Cryptography
Why we're looking to new algorithms to replace RSA and ECC and what does it mean for DNS
Measuring DNSSEC keying "drift" between parent and child
An analysis of CDS and CDNSKEY record drift in the DNS
A student-led IPv6 deployment at NITK Karnataka
How students at NITK Karnataka are deploying IPv6 on their campus
The back of the class: looking at 240/4 reachability
Using APNIC Labs to look at 240/4 Class E address reachability in the global Internet