Physical Preparation Podcast Archives - Robertson Training Systems

Physical Preparation Podcast Archives - Robertson Training Systems

The Physical Prep Podcast Random Episode: October 2024

October 18, 2024

The last couple of weeks have been, “busy,” to say the least.

I flew out to Seattle last Wednesday at 7 am, in an effort to get there and spend time with Luka and Joel before the seminar started on Thursday.

(Plus, I worked every second of the way in an effort to get a few key items done…more on this at a later date).

Spoke and listened to the other AMAZING presenters on Thursday.

Attended the lectures all day on Friday, as well as the VIP Dinner that night.

Flew home Saturday (again working the entire flight), and was home exactly 14 hours before Team Robertson packed the car and drove to Gatlinburg, Tennessee for Fall Break.

So needless to say, things have been a bit crazy and I wanted to try something new for this week’s podcast.

I’ve obviously done “Random” Shows before, but those have mostly been me talking about random topics, or doing Q&A shows.

This one is entirely different, as I’ve chosen my favorite segments from recent episodes and compiled them all into one AWESOME super episode.

So whether you’ve listened to every single episode or some are totally new, I think you’re really going to love this show.

Let’s do this!


The first thing we need to do is define “What is Zone 2?” If all you’re talking about with Zone 2 is a just a heart rate range, then anything can get you into Zone 2 – a sauna can get you into Zone 2.

But is sitting in a sauna going to make you a better endurance athlete? Probably not.

– Joel Jamieson


This Week on the Physical Prep Podcast:

  • Andrew Paul on how he classifies and buckets his athletes.
  • Adam Loiacono on training muscles before movements in the rehab process.
  • Victoria Saucedo on the spicy knee health series she uses with her women’s basketball players.
  • Jay DeMayo on strength training and the overreliance on the weight room.
  • Charles Ashford on the biggest mistakes athletes make when bulking up.
  • The difference between training professional and developing athletes.
  • Vince Gabriele on Good, Better, and Best pricing options in your business.
  • Rick Franzblau on when good training adaptations go too far.
  • Erik Huddleston on the “co-worker”mentality of training pro athletes.



Subscribe, Rate & Share!

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of The Physical Preparation Podcast with Mike Robertson – your one-stop-shop for fitness trainers, coaches, and athletes.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe on Apple PodcastsSpotify, and YouTube Podcasts and leave your honest review. I’d also love to connect via FacebookTwitter, and Instagram or visit our website.

Thanks so much for your support – love and appreciate you!


P.S. – Don’t Forget! Program Design Mentorship applications go live on Monday!

The application process for my Program Design Mentorship will go LIVE next Monday at 9 am.

If you’re serious about leveling up your program design skills, you won’t want to miss out on this as I only open groups 2x/year.

Stay tuned here for more info. Thanks and have a GREAT weekend!

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