Physical Preparation Podcast Archives - Robertson Training Systems

Physical Preparation Podcast Archives - Robertson Training Systems

James Collins on Session RPE, Neuromuscular Fatigue, and the Science of Training Load in Soccer

October 11, 2024

What happens when common sense fails us?

Or maybe doesn’t tell us the whole story?

Let me give you an example…

I would assume if an athlete went out and played their most intense soccer match EVER, that they’d be more fatigued, which would increase their risk of injury, and/or would have poor force plate jumps after that match.

And while that absolutely might happen – it also might NOT.

So why is that?

Well, that’s why we have today’s guest on the show!James Collins hails from Dublin, Ireland, and has made stops numerous stops in the MLS including Sporting Kansas City, Minnesota United FC, and the New England Revolution.

And more recently, he’s become the special accounts manager for Soccer at Hawkin Dynamics, and started a PhD in Sport Science focusing on training load in elite soccer.

And today, we’re going to talk about the relationship between training load, injury risk, and neuromuscular fatigue!


The best protective mechanism for decreasing injury is training hard.

– James Collins


This Week on the Physical Prep Podcast:

  • James’ background and how he got started in the world of physical preparation.
  • How his early experiences with injuries sparked his interest.
  • The differences between internal and external training load.
  • Session RPE: What it is and why EVERYONE can use it (even without any sort of tech).
  • Thoughts on why the relationship between training load and injury risk is more complex than we might assume.
  • The best tools we have in our toolbox to protect our athletes from injury.
  • Can you predict neuromuscular fatigue by tracking external training loads?
  • Why return to play MUST be an integrated approach across the entire medical and performance staff.
  • Thoughts on measuring dose and response with training loads.
  • The power of building relationships with athletes to more effectively track and monitor training load.



Connect with James:


Related Links:


Supercharge Your Decision-Making and Program Design with Hawkin Dynamics Force Plates!

Force plates are in no way, shape or form new technology, but Hawkin Dynamics has brought them to the 21st century.

Hawkin Dynamics plates are wireless which makes them portable and easy to set-up and use.

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