Phantom Power

Phantom Power

Latest Episodes

Tinnitus Stories
December 16, 2023

Tinnitus can be annoying, for sure--and for some people it's much worse than annoying--but it also has a lot to say of interest, if we're willing to listen: "Tinnitus has been my guide in sound studie

Warren Zanes: Rockstar Biographer
December 01, 2023

Warren Zanes talks life as a rocker and writer, his new book on Springsteen's Nebraska, how to weave theory into a great story, and why he narrates his own audiobooks. Continue reading

Making Radio History (Elena Razlogova)
November 17, 2023

Elena Razlogova discusses U.S. radio history, audience research, music recommendation and recognition algorithms, and her current book project, which centers on freeform radio station WFMU and the ris

The Audiobook’s Century-Long Overnight Success (Matthew Rubery)
November 03, 2023

Today we present the first episode of a miniseries on audiobooks by getting into the history and theory of the medium. Audiobooks are having a momentand it only took them over a century to get here.

Going Public
October 19, 2023

In this brief opener for Season Six of Phantom Power, Mack discusses his new project of writing a trade press book, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Continue reading

A Philosophy of Echoes with Amit Pinchevski
May 24, 2023

Amit Pinchevski challenges the notion that echo is mere repetition. Instead, echo is a generative medium. Just as a baby first learns to speak by repeating the sounds of others, a philosophy of echoes

John Cage: Echoes of the Anechoic
April 28, 2023

Today we explore the mythology around John Cages visit to the anechoic chamber. The chamber was designed to completely eliminate echoes. Ironically, the tale of Cages experience in that space has ec

Sonic AI: Steph Ceraso & Hussein Boon
April 16, 2023

Today we hear two scholars reading their recent work on artificial intelligence. Steph Ceraso studies the technology of voice donation, which provides AI-created custom voices for people with vocal

Words and Silences: The Thomas Merton Hermitage Tapes
March 14, 2023

Musician and sound artist Brian Harnetty breathes new, musical life into the analog meditations of 60s Catholic mystic Thomas Merton. Continue reading

Westerkamp: The Unedited Interview [excerpt]
February 17, 2023

Here is a preview of Mack Hagoods full one hour and forty minute interview with soundscape composer Hildegard Westerkamp, which includes many details and stories we couldnt fit into the three public